Crowdspring vs. DesignCrowd A Comparison of Leading Design Crowdsourcing Platforms

Crowdsourcing has transformed the design industry, providing businesses with a global pool of creative talent. Crowdspring vs.DesignCrowd are two prominent design crowdsourcing platforms that cater to the diverse design needs of businesses. In this article, we will delve into the features, benefits, and differences between these leading platforms.

Crowdspring Unleashing Creativity

Founded in 2008, Crowdspring has emerged as a pioneer in the design crowdsourcing space. This platform offers an extensive range of design categories, including logo design, web design, packaging design, and more. One of Crowdspring’s notable features is its “Name your price” option, where businesses can set their desired budget, inviting designers who are willing to work within that range.

Encouraging originality and innovation, Crowdspring employs a blind bidding system. This prompts designers to submit their work without being influenced by other designers’ concepts. This, in turn, leads to a diverse array of design options for clients to choose from, ensuring a truly unique and creative outcome.

DesignCrowd Empowering Designers and Businesses

Launched in 2008, DesignCrowd is another leading player in the design crowdsourcing arena. Boasting a vast community of over 950,000 designers, DesignCrowd provides businesses with access to a wide talent pool. Similar to Crowdspring, DesignCrowd offers various design categories, such as logo design, print design, and graphic design.

Setting themselves apart, DesignCrowd offers a “Quality Control” feature that enables clients to specify the level of experience they require from designers. This ensures that businesses can connect with professionals who possess the expertise and skillset needed for their specific project. Additionally, DesignCrowd provides a comprehensive project management system that facilitates seamless collaboration between clients and designers, enhancing communication and workflow efficiency.

Differences and Benefits

While both Crowdspring vs.DesignCrowd excel in the design crowdsourcing realm, they do offer distinct features and benefits:


  • Employing a blind bidding system that fuels creativity among designers
  • Flexible pricing model with the “Name your price” option
  • Access to a diverse pool of global design talent


  • Providing an extensive network of over 950,000 designers to choose from
  • “Quality Control” feature ensures access to designers with specific expertise
  • Comprehensive project management system for seamless collaboration

When it comes to selecting between Crowdspring vs.DesignCrowd, businesses must carefully consider their individual requirements and priorities. Crowdspring’s blind bidding system and flexible pricing options foster creativity and affordability. On the other hand, DesignCrowd’s large designer community and quality control feature provide access to diverse expertise and efficient project management.

Ultimately, both platforms offer valuable solutions for businesses seeking professional and creative design services through crowdsourcing. By leveraging these platforms, companies can tap into the vast global talent pool and find the perfect design solutions to elevate their brand and achieve their design objectives.